
Function: Hide the reCAPTCHA v3 box on the lower right hand corner used by Contact Form 7

This function allows you to hide the reCAPTCHA icon that appears on the bottom right hand corner of the screen when installing Contact Form 7 reCAPTCHA Integration. This gets in the way and looks bad especially when chatbox is present for customer communications. We have only used this with the Contact Form 7 (https://yoursite.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpcf7-integration)


// hides the Captcha v3 box on the lower right hand corner used by Contact Form 7
add_action( 'wp_head', 'hide_grecaptcha_badge' );
function hide_grecaptcha_badge() {
  echo '<style>.grecaptcha-badge { display: none !important; }</style>';


We save that to a file named: /inc-captcha-hide-box.php in a folder on the root called inc. The complete path is /inc/inc-captcha-hide-box.php. The inc folder is created in the root folder of the child theme, you don’t want to put this in a theme without a child because when the theme gets updated it can overwrite the functions.php.

Now that we have the file in the folder. We can call it from the functions.php in the root directory of the child theme. https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/basics/theme-functions/

// hides the Captcha v3 box on the lower right hand corner used by Contact Form 7
require get_theme_file_path('/inc/inc-captcha-hide-box.php');


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